Recently, I have had enough offers for my side hobby for it to possibly be considered a business possibility. I've had back to back referrals for invitation design and if i must say so myself they are looking pretty smart.

I'm working on putting some on my site but I need a few releases signed first. Each design gets a little more creative. It was nice this time that I had a bride that wasn't on a super tight budget. Mind you my invitations are STILL cheaper than the going rate out there for custom designed invitations. But it's nice to have more than a $250 budget to print 600 invitations. I also have my second Wedding Job for photography coming up on Friday. I'm super nervous about screwing everything up. This is for my friend Ben and his lovely soon to be wife, Carrie. I keep having flashbacks to my friend Brian's wedding his crack photographer who was secretly in love with him and sabotaged his wedding photos. But the situation is not what theirs was and I am not that crazy you know who that was also my roommate. Ben & Carrie are two very relaxed people. I honestly think that even at my worst they would still like my photos as long as you could see all the people in them :o) but I am pretty good with a camera (so I'm told) and I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my photography and even more so because I want their day to be perfect! So I have a feeling all will go well. Now if only I can put in an order for the wind to stop :o)
Other than my photography and design stuff my real job is going well. almost done with all my training and headed to my new supervisor. Should be interesting as she's already requiring a lot and with my affinity for not getting along with fellow females very well, it should make it even MORE interesting. But I'll just work hard and keep my head down. Works most times.
Life other than that is pretty much the same as it was this time last year. I do miss having Jeremy around. My mom found a Valentine's day card from him while I was moving and like any self respecting mom she read it :o) Don't worry it was PG ;o) She asked me how he could have changed his mind and just quit. I didn't really know what to tell her. I don't really know myself. He never did answer that question for me. But I find myself realizing that it doesn't matter too much. I've gotten over my obsessive need for closure from past relationships. I suppose all I need to know is that it wasn't working for him and that's enough to end a relationship. No need for "whys" or "what did I do wrong". Life works itself out. I have my awesome family and some terrific friends that help get me through.
Speaking of friends. We had Joe's birthday party at my house and I must say it was a lot of fun. I felt bad though because I didn't have much for the kids to do and I had to keep asking them to stop running around (i hate being a fuddy duddy). but other than that we had a good time with games, pirate themes, and the dart pistol i bought Joe....

I'm so glad that you're getting more photography opportunities! You're Awesome! I love you!
I can't wait the wedding you shot!!! And I've loved your designs for the announcements!!
Also, I LOVE the pic of Chad and Bri, way too cute!
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