Thursday, March 6, 2008

a dream...

Blue lake

Originally uploaded by
I used to like to lie on the grass as a child on a warm spring day and watch the puffy clouds. Sometimes I would fall asleep with the warmth of the sun on my face and have dreams of the cloud ship pirates sailing across the sea of blue and white have adventures untold. Once, i woke up to an darkly overcast sky and a strong wind. I was disoriented and a little frightened until I realized that even though the world is a bit darker than it was when I fell asleep it was still the same world with my family and friends and stuffed animals. This picture reminds me of that day and that even though the world can suddenly seem darker, that the things that I love still exist.


Sous la pluie et par temps gris

*Under the rain and in gray weather, Castle of Chamarande, Chamarande, France 2008*

when i first saw this photo on black it jumped out at me. The touch of yellow moss on formerly golden locks, the light shades of the dirt on the stone hinting at the blush of a cheek, adds to the effect of this photo. The stone face of a sad, almost pouting child. Color makes it seem as if it once was a living child that has faded as time fades, becoming slowly a petrified marker of life and its beauty. It is hypnotizing to me with its far away look of sadness and perhaps longing. beautiful photo.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.